An Overview of
The Battle of Gettysburg

    As written by Gettysburg Discussion Group Members

1913 Map of Field of Gettysburg


Tactics, Weapons, etc. Jim Cameron
June 30 - The Armies Gather  - Kerry Webb

July 1
Heth's Advance to the Arrival of Reynolds - Keith Tymchuk
Reynolds arrival to the arrival of Ewell -  Jack Lawrence
Ewell's arrival until the end of the day  -  Dave Powell

July 2

Preparations for the attack- Southern Side - Bob Lawrence
Peprarations for the attack - Northern Side  -John Dynia
Wheatfield - Wayne Wachtsmuth 
Peach Orchard - Wayne Wachtsmuth
Devils Den & LRT action - John Dynia
LRT Action - Part I - John Dynia
LRT Action - Part II - John Dynia
Emmitsburg Road / ECH - Jim Cameron
Culp's Hill 2&3 July   - Jack Kelly

July 3


Overnight 2-3 July  - John Dynia
Longstreets assault by Andy Ward
Calvary action Custer to Farnsworth by Eric Wittenberg
Retreat and Pursuit - open
Aftermath, the Battlefield 1863-2002 David Clark