Brandy Station Seminar Bibliography

***indicates books/articles that will be referred to frequently.

PRIMARY SOURCES: Beale, G.W., A Lieutenant of Cavalry in Lee's Army (Boston: 1918; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland, Butternut and Blue, 1994).

Blackford, W.W., War Years with Jeb Stuart (reprint, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, 1993).

Brooks, U.R., Butler and His Cavalry in the War of Secession (reprint, Germantown, Tennessee, Guild Bindery Press, 1994).

Davis, Sidney Morris, Common Soldier, Uncommon War: Life as a Civil War Cavalryman, George F. Cooney, ed. (Bethesda, Maryland, SMD Group, 1994).

Glazier, Willard C., Three Years in the Federal Cavalry (New York, R.H. Ferguson & Co., 1873).

***Gracey, Samuel L., Annals of the Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry (Philadelphia, 1868; reprint, Lancaster, Ohio, VanBerg Publishing, 1996).

Hall, Hillman A., ed., History of the Sixth New York Cavalry (The Blanchard Press, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1908).

Hard, Abner, History of the Eighth Cavalry Regiment, Illinois Volunteers (reprint, Morningside, Dayton, Ohio, 1996).

McClellan, Henry B., The Campaigns of Stuart's Cavalry (reprint, Blue & Gray Press, Secaucus, New Jersey, 1993).

McDonald, William N., A History of the Laurel Brigade (Sun Job Printing Office, Baltimore, Maryland, 1907).

Merritt, Wesley, "Reminiscences of the Civil War" in Rodenbough, Theophilus F., ed., From Everglade to Canon with the Second Dragoons (New York, D. Von Nostrand, 1875).

Mosby, John S., Stuart's Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign (1908; reprint, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Olde Soldier Books, 1987).

Moyer, Henry P., History of the Seventeenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry (Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 1911).

Myers, Frank, The Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia Cavalry (Baltimore, Kelly, Piet & Co., 1871).

Neese, George M., Three Years in the Confederate Horse Artillery (New York, Neale Publishing Co., 1911; reprint, Dayton, Ohio, Morningside, 1988).

Newhall, F.C., "The Battle of Beverly Ford", The Philadelphia Weekly Times, reprinted in Annals of the War (Dayton, Ohio, Morningside, 1988).

Opie, John N., A Rebel Cavalryman with Lee, Stuart and Jackson (Chicago, 1899; reprint, Dayton, Ohio, Morningside, 1972).

***Von Borcke, Heros and Seibert, Justus, The Great Cavalry Battle of Brandy Station, trans., Stuart T. Wright and F.D. Bridgewater (1893; reprint, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Olde Soldier Books, 1976).

Volumes 25 and 27 of the Official Records.


Downey, Fairfax, Clash of Cavalry: The Battle of Brandy Station (New York, David McKay Co., 1959).

Hall, Clark B., "Buford at Brandy Station", Civil War (July-August 1990).

***Longacre, Edward G., The Cavalry at Gettysburg (Lincoln, The University of Nebraska Press, 1986).

Nesbit, Mark, Saber and Scapegoat: J.E.B. Stuart and the Gettysburg Campaign (Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, Stackpole Books, 1994).

Nye, Wilbur S., Here Come the Rebels! (Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1965; reprint, Dayton, Ohio, Morningside, 1988).

Starr, Stephen Z., The Union Cavalry in the Civil War, 3 volumes (Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1976).

Sutherland, Daniel E., Seasons of War: The Ordeal of a Confederate Community, 1861-1865 (NewYork, Free Press, 1995).

Trout, Robert J., With Pen and Sabre: The Letters and Diaries of J.E.B. Stuart's Staff Officers (Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, Stackpole Books, 1995).

***Wittenberg, Eric J., "John Buford and the Gettysburg Campaign", Gettysburg: Historical Articles of Lasting Interest, No. 11, July, 1994.