National Military Park
Gettysburg, Pa.


July 7, 1932

Subject: Annual Report, fiscal year 1932.

To: The Quartermaster, Third Corps Area, Baltimore, Md.

1. In compliance with Sec. VIII, Par. 46, National Military Park, National Park, Battlefield Site and National Monument Regulations, dated October 6, 1931, there is hereunder submitted the following Annual Report of this Park.

2. There have been no additions to the Park area.

3. There have been no changes in road mileage. (a) All road improvement was by the Quartermaster, 3rd C. A.

4. There has been no additional fence construction. (a) 1657 posts of the deteriorated wooden post and pipe fence marking battle lines was replaced with reinforced concrete posts using the same pipe, but decreasing the number of pipes to three instead of four. (b) 200 wooden posts for replacements in the post and rail fences have been purchased and 180 of them used.

5. There were no changes in water construction. There is no sewer construction on the park.

6. Some minor repairs and a little interior painting was done to farm buildings. Wall paper was purchased in the amount of $28.48 for farm houses. The tenants on these farms applied the paper. (a) Two frame wings on the west side of the McPherson barn were floored and outside doors constructed for more convenient storage of machinery. A fence was built at this place to make a barn yard for the tenant, a pump was installed in the well and a concrete water trough built.
(b) After the Culp Farm was vacated by Mrs. Hospelhorn (bankrupt) it was found necessary to clear away a considerable amount of trash, patch the plastering in the house and paint the interior woodwork of the house.

7. One Gramm truck, 1 1\2 ton capacity, was purchased.

8. A snow plow, with an 8 ft. blade, was purchased fitted for attaching to the Packard truck in use here. Twenty-six steel post molds for making posts for use in the post and rail fences on the park lands were purchased.

9. No animals are owned at this park.

10. One tablet was purchased and placed on Pennsylvania Hall (Old Dorm) of the Gettysburg College to show that it was used as a hospital.

11. It is estimated that during the 1931 fiscal year 567,970 visitors went over the park and during the 1932 fiscal year 461,260 visited the park or a decrease of 106,710. Percentage of decrease 18 plus.

12. The following organizations encamped on the Park during the fiscal year or visited the battlefield and the Park relief map:

Reserve Officers, camped Wheatfield July 11, 1931.
Chemical Warfare School, visited Park and Relief Map, July 25, 1931.
National Guard, Washington, D.C. camped Wheatfield Aug. 10, 1931.
Carlisle Medical School, camped Wheatfield May 23, 1932.
Engineer School, Fort Humphreys, Va. visited Park May 27, 1932.
The British Ambassador and Mr. Winston Churchill visited Park Feb. 17, 1932.

13. The allotment of $35,936 was spent as follows:

P 1-0110 $16,047.67
P 2-0200 5.94
P 2-0202 32.69
P 3-0230 13.50
P 4-0236 307.67
P 5-3059 148.61
P 5-0284 474.01
P 6-0510 50.30
P 8-0700 8.29
P 9-1080 24.00
P 10-1200 1104.55
P 10-1210 5822.48
P 10-1240 42.80
P 10-12503 2072.1
P 11-1280 307.46
P 13-3212 9458.59
Balance 15.31

The balance of $15.31 is to take care of the difference between the records of this office and those of the 3rd Corps Area, in the amount of $14.87, reference 2nd Indorsement of this office, file 112.7, dated March 17, 1932.

E. E. Davis, Superintendent

688 (Gettysburg) (7-7-32) 1st Ind. 49 HQ THIRD CORPS AREA, OQM, Baltimore, Md., July 14, 1932. To: The Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C.

A. K. B.